Eva Marie Wang

Eva Marie Wang is currently a Ph.D. Candidate at Seoul National University (SNU) under Global Education Cooperation Program. Her research focus is on international scholarships and Overseas Filipino Students. Eva graduated with MA in International Studies, majoring in International Development Cooperation at Korea University and holds a BA in Psychology at the University of the Philippines, Diliman.
Throughout her academic journey, she received various international scholarships. During her undergraduate, she studied in Japan as an exchange student at International Christian University under JASSO scholarship. This was her first time to go abroad and study for free. Two years after, her study abroad journey continued in Korea for her Master’s program at Korea University. She received POSCO Asia Fellowship that covered her full tuition and monthly living allowance. Lastly, during her doctorate program, she was a recipient of SNU Global Scholarship, Woojung Education and Culture Foundation Scholarship and SNU Alumni Association Scholarship.
Dedicated to her study abroad advocacy, Eva also serves as the Founding & Executive Committee Member of Alyansa ng Nagkakaisang Iskolar sa Ibang Bansa (ANIB), an alliance of various overseas Filipino organizations and served as president of Pinoy Iskolars sa Korea (PIKO). In this coaching session, she is excited to share with you some tips on to choose the right program, and help you follow your dreams too!